
a healthcare strategy executive and working mom
raising a young family
in and around
New York City.

 I am passionate about applying intentional leadership to the crazy, chaotic, incidental modern reality of “doing it all”—which I define as killing it at work, being present to our families, and balancing it with grace, intention, and more than a shred of sanity. I bring my real-life experience “getting it done”, professional leadership training, the old-fashioned values gleaned from my upbringing in rural North Dakota to help you be your best self across settings and fully realize your potential as an intentional leader in every dimension of your life.  

get to know Mary >

Hi, I'm Mary Enquist,

-Rebecca Wallack,
Dept. Administrator  Neurosurgery,
Lenox Hill Hospital

“Mary is truly one-of-a-kind.  She is consistent in her values, intentional in her approach and a natural leader. Mary is gritty and resourceful, works tirelessly - letting the high-quality product speak for itself. 

She consistently advocates for the people that work for her. She makes it look easy, but we all know it's a constant spinning of plates. It's amazing, but never does one fall.”

-Renee Zaugg,
otis elevator

“Mary is an open canvas and continually refines her craft, both personally and professionally.  Her inspiration in work-life integration and celebrating our perfect imperfections simply makes it real!

I am amazed at her intentional commitment to purpose-driven leadership practices that can be applied immediately, proven to deliver remarkable results.” 

-Brittany Petty,
Senior Director,
Managed Care
Quorum HealtH

“I do not know many women of Mary’s professional caliber, in the same high stress environment, with young kids, juggling as much as she does.  Mary is an inspiration to anyone who wants to give their all to career and family life, and excel at both.
I wish I had this information at the beginning of my career.”

-Arti Panchal,
Oak Street Health

“Mary is an incredible mentor and leader. While she challenges those around her to think critically and outside the box, perhaps her most powerful trait is her ability to listen and empathize with others.” 

-Lutonya Russell-Humes,
Executive Director,
Boys & Girls Club
of New Rochelle

“Mary joined our Board in the middle of our strategic planning process. She jumped right in and her leadership was immediately felt.  Her insight brought clarity to the conversation that allowed us to set clear goals and objectives that are not only measurable, but attainable” 

-Rebecca Wallack,
DepT. AdministratoR Neurosurgery,
Lenox Hill Hospital

“Mary brings her whole self to work - making it acceptable for others to be transparent about what's going on outside of the office walls.

Mary's tough on the work quality but generous in her approach to people. She creates the environment that enables working mothers to not just stay in the game, but soar.” 

-Brittany Petty,
Sr. Director,
Managed Care
Quorum Health

“Mary is the real deal. Her professional wisdom and candor inspires other working mothers to stay the course and pursue excellence at work and at home.

Mary serves as a wonderful mentor and friend to anyone trying to juggle career and family life.” 

-Arti Panchal,
Oak Street Health

“Mary’s committed to building the next generation of leaders, passing along her passion and enthusiasm for leading with intention. 

I feel lucky to have had Mary as an influence in my life, she has been instrumental in kick-starting my career in healthcare and has remained a positive mentor and role model as I continue to navigate the space.” 

-Rebecca Wallack,
Dept. Administrator Neurosurgery,
Lenox Hill Hospital

“Mary's has an unparalleled capacity to take on both professional and personal commitments and excel across the board. 

Mary gives her all to everything she does - whether it be leading a team, teaching an elementary school science class, leading song as the cantor at her church or leading a board meeting.

Mary shows up as her authentic self - with grace, humor and unrelenting standards - in all that she does.” 

the blog

I share lessons and strategies I’ve learned from coaching, mentoring, and developing some incredible individuals through key career and life milestones. Each individual is unique, yet many of the leadership competencies and struggles are the same. A fan of Carol Dweck and the Growth Mindset, I believe that competencies can be developed through dedication and hard work. 

Check out the Latest Post ->

Memorable Leadership Models that Resonate and Work

Over the last four years, I’ve developed and refined two leadership models that anchor how I think about leadership, both in getting my own leadership voice heard and as a leader coaching a high performing team. As George Box once said, “all models are wrong, but some are useful.” I share my leadership models with you in the spirit of hoping they might be useful to you as you find clarity around how you want to show up as a leader and what matters most to you.

Explore my leadership models >

You Can’t Blow an Uncertain Trumpet

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

bel canto studios

I credit much of my executive presence and character formation to the rigor, discipline, and professional presentation trained through four decades of studying voice. Nothing brings me more joy than singing, and after the year we’ve all had, who couldn’t use some more joy in their life! 

It's a truly a dream come true to launch a small voice studio in April 2021 and share the jubilation and growth that studying music brings.

Now accepting students ages 9 to 99 >

coaching & Skills LabS

Accelerate your career and boost your performance through a six-month coaching engagement supported by data gleaned from your own Hogan Leadership assessment. Mary has faced and successfully navigated the challenges inherent in taking on big leadership roles early in a career while adding two children to her family.
Leaders looking to motivate and engage their teams, emphasizing core values and higher ambition principles along the way, will find a motivating resource in my skills labs. These cover the most common leadership lessons necessary to rise from a high-potential, high-performing leader of projects and people to a leader of leaders. Additional, Mary also help you design a high-impact leadership team retreat.

Learn more >

speaking engagements

Our teams, our families and our communities crave real higher ambition leaders that show up, make an impact and lead by example. When I bring my expertise to a group setting, I strive to offer inspiration and practical wisdom that your team can “apply tomorrow” in their own laboratories of life.

Book me for your next event >





Recent Articles

Carving out time to invest in yourself and growing as a leader is tough, but essential. Regularly taking a few quiet moments to reflect and focus on YOU and how you can bring your best to your work with your team, your family and/or your organization will benefit every dimension of your life.

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