
Hi, I’m Mary. I’m a healthcare strategy executive, wife, mother, and leader in my community.

While each of these roles is important to me, what’s most important is not what I do, but how I do it. I study and seek to apply intentional leadership to the chaotic, incidental reality of “doing it all” in our modern world. is geared to share real-life, applied leadership lessons on a broader platform and serve as a resource to other leaders who are working through the sometimes lonely, seemingly unchartered gamut of twenty-first century responsibilities and opportunities. It’s about being our best selves across settings and fully realizing our potential as intentional leaders in every dimension of our lives. 

Meet Mary

“Mary Enquist is a remarkable person. She is a most competent and passionate student of life and builder of enterprises, relationships, and people.
 Perhaps the highest praise I can offer is that she is 'all in'...'all of the time'. And, she is learning and growing every day. Mary is the real deal.”

- Douglas Conant
Former CEO Campbell Soup Company
Founder of ConantLeadership 

My story is what I hope to be an encouraging account of the hills and valleys I’ve experienced, cultivating the lessons I’ve learned along the way. The third daughter of a six-generation farmer, I’ve never forgotten my roots or early childhood experiences attending a two-room country school house on the prairie (seriously). Somewhere along the way my path crossed with a New York City Metropolitan Opera soprano who opened up my world and pushed me to see what I was capable of in finding my voice.

Today, as a working mom executive raising two beautiful, dynamic, elementary-school-aged children and concurrently giving my all to a job and company I love, my intention is for my story to inspire others with a message of “it’s possible.” It’s incredibly hard work, but with the right tools, support, and mindset I believe it’s possible to find a fulfilling and doable mix of bringing your best to your family and your career, and even have a little time left over for yourself.

My blog provides practical reflections on leadership gleaned from my real-life experiences. It’s critical for a leader to not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk. The thought pieces I cover in my blog center on the intention of casting a leadership shadow that points the way for others and brings your core values to life in the workplace. 

One to one executive coaching is available for those individuals seeking to explore the unique strengths inherent in his or her day-to-day personality style.  Supported by data-driven assessments, coaching and self-reflection will allow individuals to identify potential career-stallers and stoppers and better understand their innate motivates, values, and preferences.  

My Skills Lab Series, Lessons Our Mothers Never Taught Us, will cover the most common leadership challenges informed by my work coaching and developing high potentials in an intimate small group setting.  

Our teams, our families, and our communities crave real higher ambition, intentional leaders that show up, make an impact, and lead by example. provides inspiration for other leaders who want to motivate and engage their teams, emphasizing core values and character-driven principles along the way.

Thanks for stopping by and spending some time with me on your journey!

- Mary Enquist

Carving out time to invest in yourself and growing as a leader is tough, but essential. Regularly taking a few quiet moments to reflect and focus on YOU and how you can bring your best to your work with your team, your family and/or your organization will benefit every dimension of your life.

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