
to grow high-performing people, teams, and healthcare systems

that DELIVER remarkable results and unleash Human potential 

by caring deeply,
investing generously, and leading courageously. 

Why Do I Choose to Lead?

My "purpose statement" has evolved a bit as I've grown and evolved.  Looking ahead to my next adventure at Yale New Haven Health, it is:

"In the face of opportunities and setback, Mary is remarkably reflective, resourceful, and resilient.  In building the capabilities of her team, she is one of the most generous leaders I know.  Mary is the embodiment of a leader-learner."

- Mette Norgaard, Ph.D., MBA
Founder, Strategic Leadership & Learning
Faculty, Higher Ambition Leadership Institute

When it comes to leadership, here are my 10 core beliefs.

If good people don’t step up, others will.

Be grateful. Never let people question if you appreciate them or if their efforts matter.

Do small things with great love.

You can get an awful lot done if you don’t care who gets the credit.

Family comes first. Career enables family.

What matters most should never be at the mercy of what matters least.

Don’t quit! Resilience & fierce resolve

Do the right thing; Endure the consequences.

It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Tough on the work, easy on the people.











“Head Lifted,
Heels to the Ground”

Model for Getting Your Leadership Voice Heard

head lifted

Lead with competence and clarity;
Project humble confidence

train your inner voice

Silence the judgment;
Transform nervous energy into explosive excitement

Resonance and Placement

Connect with your audience;
Find the common ground

Lead from the Heart 

Recapitulate “the why”;
Hold your focus

Anchor in Your Breath

Be calm, powerful & expansive;
Fill the space

Recognize Others

Graciously acknowledge those who help make it happen

Heels to the Ground

Hold onto integrity;
Be gritty and resilient

Leadership is all about vision and influence. But you can’t have influence if your voice is not heard. Inspired by my vocal training as a musician, here’s how I think about showing up as a leader to powerfully project my vision and connect with my audience.

None of us can do it alone. I truly believe the best measure of an effective leader is the effectiveness of her team. Central to intentional leadership is always remembering, “It’s not about you. It’s about them.” Let me walk you through my model for how to lead high-performing teams.

“It's a marathon, not a sprint”

Model for Driving Strategic Change
in an Enduring Way

Identify lessons
learned and ways to
“do better” next time

choose a section

1. commit to ambition

Set your goals and articulate the strategies of how you'll get there

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